Monday, May 27, 2013

Jamar Simien's 3rd Annual Summer Art Camp 2013

Letters will be sent home to parents during the week of May 27, 2013 concerning registration and dates for my 3rd annual Summer Art Camp which will take place on July 29 - August 2, 2013 from 9am - 3pm at the Baytown Community Center. 

Registration forms are available at the Baytown Community Center on 2407 Market St. in Baytown, Tx. Please contact Katherine Miller at (281) 420-6597 for registration questions.

The camp will be $180 for 5 fun-filled days of exploring watercolor paint, sketching and paper mache'. Snacks, art supplies and certificates of completion will be provided. 

Please complete the information and return it to Jamar Simien or the Baytown Community Center asap to reserve a seat in the 2013 Art Camp. More information is on the way!


Jamar Simien or