Frequently asked questions

Where can I register?
You can register at the Baytown Community Center on 2407 Market Street in Baytown, Tx. Email me at and I will email you an enrollment form. Send completed form by mail, email or in person. Email forms to: and mail forms to the address listed on the form. Registration fee must be paid in full with cash only. Payment in full must be received 2 weeks prior to the enrolled session start date.

How can I reserve a place for my child?
A $15 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit will guarantee your child a spot. You do not have to pay the entire camp fee at one time however it must be paid in full at least two weeks before the start of your child's session. 

When is the latest I can register?
Registration continues throughout the summer up until two weeks before the start of the camp.

Late Payments
The camp fee must be paid in full two weeks in advance to hold the spot. I do not accept late payments.

Are camp fees refundable if I have to cancel my enrollment?
Camp fees are non-refundable. Your fee can be turned into credit for another session.

What if a camp session has to be canceled?
I reserve the right to cancel a session due to insufficient enrollment. You will receive a full refund including the deposit. I will make every effort to alert you to a cancellation as soon as possible. A session can be held with as few as 5 campers so cancellations are rare.

Is there a snack time?
I will provide a morning snack. We have a water fountain, a small kitchen and a restroom in the facility. If your child prefers a snack from home, feel free to send it. Please inform me if your child has any food allergies.

Do I send lunch each day?
Yes, send a lunch and drink that do not need to be refrigerated. I cannot provide lunch for your child.

Where do I drop off and pick up my child?
You will be expected to drop off and pick up your child in the front of the Baytown Community Center.

How should my child dress for camp?
In comfortable clothes that may get messy. While I provide art smocks, paint and glues have been known to find their way onto campers clothes.

I am not responsible for administering medication to children. Consult a pediatrician about altering the child's dosage so that medication can be administered outside of camp hours. If your child has a severe food allergy, please be advised I cannot control or monitor what snacks other children might bring to camp.

Handheld games, iPods and electronic devices may not be used during the camp day except during the break after lunch. These devices are the sole responsibility of the camper and Jamar Simien will not be held responsible if they are lost or stolen. Please do not send money with your child, they should bring their lunch from home.

I want summer art camp to be a positive social experience for everyone and encourage the campers to talk and have fun as they work. However, I reserve the right to contact parents if I encounter behavior that is continually disruptive to the class as a whole and cannot be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

Inclement Weather Policy:
In the event of inclement weather I will make every effort to contact you about camp closure as quickly as possible. Ultimately, the Baytown Community Center will decide whether or not classes should be held based on bad weather conditions. If camp is closed due to inclement weather there will be refunds and exchanges. Call the Baytown Community Center for more information.

When is the best time to call Jamar Simien with questions?
Monday - Friday: 5pm - 9pm
Saturday - Sunday: 12pm - 9pm

Email me at anytime.